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AlfaMusic presenta “Watching The Ceiling” il nuovo album di Tiziano Gialloreto | feat. Luca Bulgarelli


Watching The Ceiling

il nuovo album di
Tiziano Gialloreto | feat. Luca Bulgarelli

C&P 2024 AlfaMusic
All Rights reserved
Distribuzione:  Egea distr. – Believe digital

 Tiziano Gialloreto Guitar
Perteris Anceverins Tenor Sax
Klavs Abols Piano
Luca Bulgarelli Double Bass
Simone Sulpizio Electric Bass
Michele Santoleri Drums

Le esperienze di vita sono come blocchi di marmo grezzo che ognuno di noi custodisce dentro di sé. Quando arriva il momento, scolpisco le mie esperienze proiettando su di esse un flusso di pensieri ed emozioni. Questi sei brani sono il risultato di questo processo di scultura. Ritraggono uno spazio emotivo che a volte ti mette a tuo agio e a volte ha il potere di sopraffarti. Questi pezzi mettono in musica ciò che le parole spesso non possono, e con loro creano un mosaico di ricordi che, sebbene personali, possono essere condivisi da coloro che sono disposti ad ascoltare. La maggior parte di questo disco viene fuori da un periodo in cui sono stato distante da tutti i miei affetti ed abitudini, ma il legame con le persone ed i luoghi che mi hanno cresciuto è stato fondamentale per lo sviluppo di esso. 

Life experiences are like raw marble blocks which each of us keep stored deep within ourselves. When the time comes, I carve out my experiences by projecting a flow of thoughts and emotions upon them. These six musical pieces are the result of this carving process thus far. They portray an emotional space that at times puts you at ease and at times has the power to overwhelm. These pieces put into music what words often cannot, and with them create a mosaic of memories that while personal can be shared by those willing to listen. 

Perteris’ Blues
Perteris is a talented saxophonist who has inspired me with both his soul and through the music which we have shared. He also happens to be the saxophonist featured on this album.

This blues is a tribute to his person and to our brotherhood in music and in life, and it hopes to inspire others to revel in the beauty of friendship and shared experience.

Watching the Ceiling
At night, the mind is a dizzy place, unstoppable in its persistence and ability to stay in a conscious state. Night is the time where most of my writing process takes place, as I try to replace insomnia with sense by transforming it into a creative moment. These nights spent awake contemplating life and the music that guides me through it are embodied here in the form of a jazz standard AABA, where B (major key) stands as that limited – but awesome – parenthesis in the rest of the troubled night (AAA minor key).

Tallinn Spring
This song explores emotional urban and wild landscapes, where physical elements talk to our deepest selves. Winter and spring are both worth being experienced and narrated through music. As the changes in nature ebb and flow, these are mirrored in the notes and rhythms which this song projects.

Blue Window
Everything feels different when you live abroad: nature, landscape, habits, lights. In Northern Europe, day and night lights blur in different ways from Winter to Summer. I was overwhelmed by the blue light of the Estonian summer nights. This song expresses the synergy of colors, feelings and sounds that I experienced at that moment.

Portrait N.1
Inspired by a Chick Corea’s idea, this song has been improvised by looking at roommates and friends in my living room and drawing a musical portrait of them. With its sound and structure, the song creates an impression of that moment, and is about enjoying ourselves, being together, and being in the here and now.

Maja’s form describes a mountain hike. The melodies interact within the song resembling the companion on the route. As with the ascent of the mountain, life requires intention and struggle and, once you reach the peak, you return changed, as does the last theme of the song.

Track List

Peteris Blues 4:55
Watching The Ceiling 4:04
Tallinn Spring 4:24
Blue Window 6:10
Portrait N1 9:02
Maja 7:38

Total Time: 36:26

All music by Tiziano Gialloreto
Publishing: AlfaMusic Studio (SIAE)

 Backlink : https://bfan.link/watching-the-ceiling

Graphic project Maurizio Capuano

Ufficio Stampa AlfaMusic: Anita Pusceddu  anita@alfamusic.com